Winter Care for Houseplants: Tips and Tricks

Hey there, plant enthusiasts! As we're all huddled up indoors, waiting (somewhat) patiently for spring to roll back around, it's the perfect time to show a little extra love to our indoor green buddies. Midwest winters can be tough not just on us but on our plants too. So, here are some tips and tricks to keep your indoor plants thriving until we can all bask in the glory of spring gardening again.

1. Let There Be (The Right) Light

Winter days are shorter, and the sunlight is less intense. Move your plants closer to windows to catch those precious rays, but watch out for cold drafts. Remember, if you’re chilly near a window, your plant might be too! You can shield your plants from the cold by creating a buffer between them and cold window panes. Consider relocating them away from chilly spots to prevent damage caused by low temperatures.

2. Keep it Cozy, Not Toasty

Our homes tend to be warmer and drier in the winter months. While cranking up the heat keeps us comfy, it can leave our plants feeling a bit under the weather. Sudden temperature fluctuations can stress plants, so maintain a stable environment to promote their well-being. Try to keep your green friends in a room that’s cool but not cold (think: sweater weather for plants).

3. Watering Wisdom

Overwatering is a common oopsie in the winter. Plants drink up less since they're not actively growing. Before you water, do the finger test – if the soil is still damp an inch down, wait a bit longer. And hey, less watering means more time to cozy up with a good book, right?

4. Humidity Helps

Winter air can be dry, and not all of our leafy pals are fans of that. If you see brown tips on leaves, it might be a cry for humidity. Boost humidity by placing a tray filled with water near your plants or investing in a humidifier to create an ideal environment.

5. Feeding Frenzy? Not Quite

Just like us, plants slow down in the winter. They don’t need as much food (fertilizer) because they're not growing as much. Hold off on the fertilizer until the days start lengthening again in the spring.

6. Keep an Eye Out for Pests

Yup, bugs can be a winter thing too. Check your plants regularly for unwanted guests and act quickly if you spot any. Prevention is key, so keeping your plants healthy is the best defense.

7. Dreaming of Spring

While you’re caring for your indoor garden, it’s the perfect time to dream up plans for your outdoor space. Spring will be here before we know it, and there’s nothing like being prepared to hit the ground running (or planting)!

Feeling the itch to expand your indoor green collection or in need of some plant food and fertilizers? We've got you covered, even during the off-season. While we don't hold regular hours at this time of year, we're more than happy to accommodate your visit. Just send us an email with a heads-up on when you'd like to drop by. Come and explore our selection of indoor plants, and while you're here, why not check out our unique range of gifts, yard ornaments, wind chimes, and more? We're always excited to meet fellow plant lovers and chat about all things green and growing – it's our way of keeping the spirit of spring alive!


Bare-Root Plants: A Guide to Understanding and Caring for Them